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Investing in training for neighborhood developers.

October 27, 2010
Barbara Zakin, Senior Vice President, North America Community Development, Citi

In California, Florida and South Dakota, Citi is helping to build the capacity of nonprofit community development corporations (CDCs) by facilitating local implementation of the National Development Council's (NDC) Economic Development Finance Professional Certification Program. The NDC's rigorous training series equips community development practitioners with the financial skills to turn development opportunities into reality.

CDCs -- urban and rural, large and small -- are doing crucial work by creating affordable housing and commercial and recreational spaces that enable families to live stably and participate in the social and economic life of their neighborhoods. The challenges of these complex development projects vary widely but, armed with the right skills, local nonprofit CDC staff can engage as equals with all of the involved stakeholders.

Often, CDCs do not have the resources to avail themselves of training opportunities, particularly when the courses require expensive, out-of-state travel. It is crucial, therefore, to provide CDC staff with top-quality capacity-building opportunities right in their local communities, at little or no cost.

Citi has been allied with NDC for more than 15 years. Working with local "host" organizations, Citi has brought NDC's tremendous experience to CDCs across the country. Local courses, tailored to communities as diverse and different as Los Angeles and Sioux Falls, have covered everything from small business credit analysis to affordable rental housing development to tax credit tools.

Since 2005, Citi has helped to train over 1,800 professionals from almost 1,000 CDCs in 15 marketplaces across the country. With the rise of new development tools and strategies, including mixed-use real estate development, New Markets Tax Credits, the federal Neighborhood Stabilization Program and revolving loan funds, we help ensure that CDCs can keep pace.

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