
CitiMortgage Road to Recovery Tour draws record attendance in Riverside, California

May 30, 2012Sanjiv DasCEO, CitiMortgage
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Last week, CitiMortgage stopped in Riverside, California as part of our national Road to Recovery Tour - a series of events offering private, one-to-one counseling to borrowers facing setbacks regarding their mortgage. There is no charge or obligation and the event is open to any homeowner seeking help, whether a CitiMortgage client or not. Now it its second year, the 2012 Road to Recovery Tour will visit 35 cities total, expanding from 25 cities last year.

Many customers coming to tour events are people who are behind on payments or otherwise "at risk" financially but have not reached out for assistance before, perhaps because they don't think help is available for them, or because they feel apprehensive about discussing their financial situation. At our events, homeowners have the chance to look at each option and figure out which one applies to them.

Over 200 homeowners received counsel at our Riverside event on Tuesday - a record turn-out for the Road to Recovery Tour. According to The Press Enterprise, one attendee said she almost didn't come out to the event because of pictures she'd seen in the media of homeowners at similar events standing in line for hours in the sun. Thankfully, she was pleasantly surprised by the experience we provided saying, "I've got a bathroom, I've got a place to sit and I've got air-conditioning."

Details about time and place for future events can be found at For those who are unable to attend events, but would like assistance, we are available by calling 1-866-915-9417 or by visiting

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