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Our Statement on the Care of Chimpanzees in Liberia

March 31, 2016
Ed Skyler, Executive Vice President | Enterprise Services and Public Affairs

We recently had the opportunity to meet with representatives from Their Turn to discuss the care of the chimpanzees in Liberia.

During the meeting, we received copies of the petitions being circulated on this issue. They are a powerful representation of the passions this issue raises and we have the greatest respect for the voices they symbolize.

In regard to the New York Blood Center, as we explained during the meeting, in recent years we have focused our philanthropy on other causes. We are no longer a significant supporter of the NYBC and we have no influence over its decisions. That being said, the current situation is not tolerable and we urge all parties involved to come up with a sustainable solution to ensure that these chimpanzees get the care they need.

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